Become a Member

Membership: $60 yearly
Patron Support: $100
Sponsor Donation: $200

Put down your paintbrush for a minute and join!

Pro-Rated Membership: $20
New members joining 9/1 - 12/31
New members 1/1 - 8/31 and all Renewals
To join, download the Membership Form and pay online now.
You may pay with PayPal or a credit card once in the PayPal site.
All amounts include processing fees.
Why Join?
DFAA is a good place to meet other artists, to get involved with art in the community, and to hone your artistic skills through our presentations, workshops and interaction with other artists. We have a Plein Air group that paints locally when weather permits. There are many opportunities for exhibiting your art. Besides our standing exhibits, we have an occasional regional show. We also exhibit our work in other areas of Georgia and we continue watching for new opportunities. Receive discounts at several local art supply and framing stores with your membership.
How to Join?
It's easy to join online. You may also mail a check or bring one to one of our regularly scheduled meetings once we are meeting in person again. If paying online or by mail please send a membership form to our membership chair. Please use the address shown on the form attached above and below and add ATTN: Membership.
Membership Categories:
Active Member: $60
Donations - Patrons and Sponsors may attend meetings but may not vote or hold office:
Patron: $100. For those who wish to support or contribute to the operation of the group.
Sponsor: $200. Sponsors are typically non-artist friends of DFAA who support the arts by encouraging growth and development of DFAA’s educational programs and community.
Membership Dues:
Our group is active 9 months of the year beginning in September and continuing through May. We do not meet in June, July or August. Annual membership dues are to be paid beginning in January for the upcoming session. Paying dues by April ensures that each artist's name and contact information will be displayed both on this website and in our DFAA directory. It also allows artists to participate in all of our events and to receive DFAA information through eBlasts.