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February 2025

The Dunwoody Fine Art Association (DFAA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to:


  • Promote fine art in the Dunwoody, GA area


  • Encourage its artists to exhibit their art


  • Support each other in their creativity and self-expression through lectures, critiques, workshops and exhibits



Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.                                    Pablo Picasso  

Direct inquiries to the DFAAnews editor:

Susan Gallo

Deadline for news items - 15th of each month

TIP FOR MOBILE VIEW --- Turn your phone sideways and the font size will increase as the page adjusts to the new orientation. 


February 5 - Monthly Meeting, 9:30 

February 12 - Board Meeting, 10:00

February 19 - Open Paint/Create, 11:00 - 3

HELPFUL HINT --- Login is not necessary unless you want to view the member directory.


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it"s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make more art." Andy Warhol


As I write this, it's a cold January afternoon with temperatures in the twenties. It's a great time to curl up in your studios with a warm beverage and create art. 


We have put together a great lineup of presenters:

February: Julie Mazzoni  

March : Susan Krause

April :Beatriz Maliszewski


We are having an art change out at the Annex after the February members meeting, so bring your art with you. Please invite friends and family interested in art to our meetings so they can get to know us. 


Thanks from Barbara and Lynne - President and Co-President DFAA

January Presentation Julie Mazzoni

Julie Mazzoni is a long time mosaic instructor at Spruill and creator of the Dunwoody mosaic sign on Womack by Spruill.


She uses the mosaic medium to create images which are traditionally only depicted with paint or drawing media 

and is particularly adept at incorporating depth within her designs.

2025 Dues Deadline Approaching   

Reminder dues of $60 are due by February 28. Please either bring a check to our next meeting on February 5th or go online and pay today! (There is a drop down under the ARTISTS tab.) We look forward to having you continue to be a part of our association in the next year.


Failure to pay by the deadline means you no longer enjoy the privileges of membership such as communications so don't delay, go online today!

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February 5 - Shallowford Annex, 11:30 

February 18 - Chupitos, 10:00 


Many people want to show their artwork at Chupito’s so we will have a sign up sheet at the Feb. meeting. Please come pick up and bring your paintings on Tuesday Feb. 18 at 10 am. I will contact those who need to bring in new paintings. He likes bright, fun artwork.  His walls are bright orange and blue. We will try to get everyone interested a spot within the next 2 change outs. The sizes are medium and large with a few small places. 

We will be planning a May change out there also to celebrate Cinco de Mayo so plan accordingly with paintings to celebrate it. Will talk about this at the February meeting. 

Contacts: Julie Marshall or Harriett Perlsten. Phone numbers in the latest eBlast.

Currently at the High Museum   

Thinking Eye, Seeing Mind: The Medford and Loraine Johnston Collection
Now through May 25, 2025

"In the mid-1970s, artist and Georgia State University professor Medford Johnston and his wife and collaborator Loraine began collecting works by artists who were in the vanguard of contemporary art in the late 1960s and 1970s. Although they acquired a range of paintings and objects when they first began collecting, they quickly narrowed their focus to drawings, primarily by artists working on the frontlines of abstraction in the mid-1960s during a time of great innovation and experimentation.

...This exhibition...traces a trajectory of the evolution of American abstraction from 1960 to 1990 and can help visitors understand the various directions in abstraction that artists took during the period, as well as the motivations and context for their stylistic exploration."

Thanks to John Doane

We enjoyed a presentation on 3D Printing at the January meeting.

Publicity for Dunwoody Events

Here is the link to sign up for D-News, a weekly e-newsletter.


City of Dunwoody : Sign Up to Stay in Touch

Welcome New Members   

Gaye Armstrong

Randi Gelfond

Connie Morelle

Julie Wedean

Diane Weiss

DFAA Officers

President: Barbara Riordan

Co - President: Lynne Joffe

1st Vice President: Joan Monroe, Programs​

2nd Vice President: Traci Kruger, Membership

SecretaryHarriette Perlstein

Treasurer: Karen Peay

DFAA Committee Chairpersons

Barn Paint Days: Janette Worley

EBlast Communications: Jenny Kalmin

Hospitality: TBD

Membership: Traci Kruger

Newsletter Editor: Susan Gallo

Online Directory: Traci Kruger

Parliamentarian: TBD

Programs & Workshops: Joan Monroe

Printed Brochure: Tim Minton

Publicity: Sharon Weiss

Social Media: Traci Kruger

Webmaster: Susan Gallo

Exhibit Chairpersons

Art in the Park: TBD

Best of the Best: Janette Worley

Dunwoody Library Hall: TBD

Dunwoody Fine Art Month: Julie Marshall

Sandy Springs Library Gallery: Donna Fitzwater

Sights & Insights 2025: Joan Weiss & Donna Fitzwater

Shallowford Annex: TBD

  PLEASE NOTE: DFAA members do not need to subscribe to the newsletter.  


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© Dunwoody Fine Art Association


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