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Best of the Best 2019

We would like to thank DFAA members for the wonderful turn out for the Best of the Best (BoB) show. We count this show a huge success and one that our Juror Lisa Gleim was delighted with. She loved the various types of art and had trouble awarding just three awards. Congratulations to our winners and our honorable mention winners.

Our award winners were as follows:​

1st place - Cate Larkin, "I Remember Burly Dwight"

2nd place - Joan Weiss, "Annamae’s Gift"

3rd place - Rebecca Francis, "Waiting for My Master"

Honorable MentionsRainbow Moon, "Untitled"

Loretta Loconta, "White House"

Laurenthia Mesh, "Tea on the Terrace​"

Best of the Best will hang until January 8, 2020. This will be the change out for the library show. Please bring new art to hang at Dunwoody Library after our regular DFAA meeting. Nanci Relf and myself will be at the library right after the meeting to change out the paintings.

© Dunwoody Fine Art Association


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